Thursday, November 20, 2008


Original Monopoly Rules From 1934.


Rules of Today

This game is very easy to pick up and start playing. First, the players need to decide who gets what piece. Each player chooses one token to represent him or her while traveling around the board.

Then, the player sitting at the side of the word "GO" gets to be the banker or, you could just take turns. The banker gives everyone $1500 divided into different numbers of different bills. Each player gets two $500, $100 and $50 dollar bills; and also six $20 bills, and five $10, $5 and $1 dollar bills. All remaining money and other equipment go to the Bank.

Select a Banker, a player who will also make a good Auctioneer. A Banker who plays in the game must keep their personal funds separate from those of the Bank. At times this might be difficult, but honesty makes the game more fun!

Each player takes turns rolling the dice. There are 2 dice; the highest number rolled goes first. Then just like normal the play continues clockwise. If a player lands on a property, railroad or a utility that has not been claimed, the player may buy it. If a player lands on a property that is owned by another player, they have to pay rent; it says the rent on the property card.

If one person owns all the properties of the same color, that player can build a house or a hotel. With houses and hotels the other player(s) have to pay more rent. Every time a player passes "GO" they earn $200 for making it around the board. Then, there are "Chance" and "Community Chest" cards.

If a player lands on a space that says Chance or Community Chest, they pick up a card and do what it says. For example, if it says "You have won second place in a beauty contest, you earn $10" then that player takes $10 from the bank.

At any time, when someone either draws a "Go to Jail" card, land on "Go to Jail", or throw a third double in a row; that players turn instantly ends and they move directly to "In Jail". To get out of jail, the player can use a "Get out of jail free" card, pay $50, purchase a "Get out of jail free" card, or roll doubles.

At any time, players can trade or sell the property they posses. If at some stage a person has to pay rent of more money than they own they can mortgage their houses and get the money from the bank. This happens all to often in the real world. Families have to mortgage their homes in order to survive in the world.

When a house is mortgaged, no rent can be collected. To un-mortgage a house you must pay 10% more than the mortgage value. Only the bank may loan money. At the time people might think that they have to put their homes up, but loans could be the better way to go. Instead of losing everything, people could get loans with the intention to pay them back!

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